So I used to be a pet mom. Cal and I had two beautiful golden retrievers. Higgins, cals dog, who was about 7 when we started dating, and Clark; my dog. On our first date Calvin took me out to Amerigos for dinner. I still remember him coming to pick me up:) I blush and giggle when I think about it! He was so nervous!! And I thought it was just too cute. He made me feel special. I don't think he really knows this, but he gave me butterflies the whole night. his company alone was enough to warm my heart, and eventually win it over ;) after we finished eating we decided to take a little stroll down the street. There was an Ice Cream shop a little ways down, and of course I had to have some! Out of nowhere, while walking down the street, this man takes authority and grabs my hand. [major blushing going on!!] I tell him to this day how many brownie points he earned with that move;) We then began engaging in playful banter. Flirting and talking about silly things, and you know, all that gushy mushy stuff "newborn" lovebirds do. He asked me..." if You had a million bucks what would you buy?" Immediately, without hesitation I shouted the first thing that came to mind. "A PUPPY!" giddy and smiling from the inside out at the thought of a fluffy puppy rolling around was enough to consume my thoughts, and not even notice Cals instant reaction. He said.." A puppy?" I turned, and once I saw the look on his face I snapped right back into reality. I realized how stupid that must have sounded, so I kind of slumped down in slight embarrassment. Then the best thing in the world happened. He chuckled, and swooped me up in his arms:) apparently, he thought it was adorable. (Thank goodness! Cause that would have been awkward!!) and it must have worked, because approximately 6 months later I was holding the fluffiest, sweetest, most adorable puppy in my arms. His name was Clark. :)
Clark was an amazing dog. He caught on quickly, he was gentle, and had such a wonderful temperament. I always referred to him as my "Gentle Giant." I remember bringing him home from the puppy farm- I literally held him like a baby the whole way home. And he stayed like that! Didn't move! lol- which is impressive for a 10 week old puppy! Then I layed down on the bed with him, and we snuggled. He put his head on my neck and fell asleep. It was pure bliss! :) he was my little baby... Until Robert Joseph came into this world. Then everything I once knew changed... My whole world flipped upside down, in such a beautiful way:)
(My favorite pic of all time. Messy hair, swollen man hands, puffy nose with a thermometer sticking out of my mouth. It's the very first time I got to hold my son. Where I can I sign up to re-live this!??)
Back to the story. (sorry, it's very easy for me to lose track and start talking about my kid!) The decision to give Clark away was a hard one, but the right one. All during my pregnancy we talked in excitement about how Rob and Clark were gonna be the best of buds! Like you see in the movies, you know! We'll.. Things don't always go as planned.
Clark didn't adjust well to our new way of life. He started showing signs of stress. He began wreaking havoc in our home and neighborhood. He was doing things that he was trained not to do! I would be in the nursery trying to calm a colicky 5lb baby when I would get a knock on the door. It was the neighbors informing me my dog got out again and was in the yard. I was so stressed. Not just because I had a colicky baby in my arms and a dog who couldn't seem to get it together, but because it was the first time I realized that it just might not work:/ deep down I just knew Clark wasn't happy. The final straw was when he peed and pooped in the nursery. Yep. I guess that was his way of telling me how he felt about our new addition. And I got the message plain and clear. Called my best friend, who loves Clark, to pick him up and take care of him for a few weeks. Enough time for me to scrub the house down with Lysol, and for my husband to fix the fence and fill the holes in our backyard left from Clark's tenacious digging. What happened after that was nothing short of a miracle. We called my friend (a month later) to tell her we were ready for him back, but God had other plans. Karissa has taken Clark on many occasions for me and Cal before, usually for vacations etc. This time was different though. Her sweet Aunt Debbie fell in love with him. She needed him. Karissa began telling me how Clark has changed their lives. They bathed him every night, took him to the park and for walks every day. Aunt Debbie even comes home during lunch break sometimes to eat lunch with him! God revealed so plainly after our phone conversation what needed to be done. I love Clark, and of course we wanted to keep him. But keeping him would have been one of the most selfish things I could have ever done. Nobody would have benefited from us keeping him, not even Clark. My heart was heavy, but now it rejoices! Even though Clark was a dog, God knew how much he meant to me so he took care of him. Clark lives in a house full of pretty women who snuggle and love all over him from dusk till dawn! ;) he eats and sleeps like a king, it's crazy! I joke with my husband that he has it better than any of us. And I'm more than ok with that. :) love you, Clark. Thank you for bringing joy to us, and for all the great memories. They will be cherished forever. Your a great dog. By far the best. Take care of my sweet friends!
Your old Mom;)
My first winter as a pet mom:)