
Eleanor Jean Keating


Eleanor Jean Keating 

Born February 12th, 2025 at 3:39 PM

I still can’t get over the fact that you are here. Your dad and I will have to share the true miracle of your life with you one day but just know how much of a miracle you are. All of our babies are a miracle but you, sweet Eleanor, helped us to really see and understand that. It’s your life that has given us such an appreciation for the miracle of life. 

After your older sister, I struggled to stay pregnant. We suffered multiple early losses before God gifted us with you. My entire pregnancy with you felt like a precious gift and just completely different than the others because of this. I held my breath for the first 12 weeks then I sat back and watched in amazement as you continued to thrive. Every time I would fear something had happened to you, i would feel a sudden flurry or a big kick letting me know you were just fine. 

Labor with you was intense! You are my only babe so far that I had to go unmediated for and boy was that an experience!  If you watch the videos one day, you will hear me say “that was terrible” right after you came. Now that I’m on the other side of that pain, i can tell you that was a lie. Even though my birth plan changed last minute, those moments bringing you into the world are so sacred to me. Painful, yes. But worth every bit of it. 

Eleanor, there is so much more I could write but you are currently laying on my chest and I want to enjoy these baby snuggles with you.. as I know how fleeting these moments are. (That and I really should probably be napping with you!) 

I’ll leave you with these words spoken by your daddy the day you were born. I had just taken a shower and was getting dressed. You were fussy and your dad was holding you close to him. He opened the door and said… “this feels good.” He was talking about you Eleanor. I couldn’t agree more. We love you so much baby girl. Welcome to the world!

