
Life lately!

Seriously this month has been insane. Weddings, showers, parties, birthdays, Mother's Day, and Memphis in May are all just a few of the things that have kept me super busy. It's funny how in January I was comolaining about life being slow, and now I can barely keep up! I guess I got what I asked for;) anywho, here are some pictures. Snippets of life (according to my iphone) is what I like to call it! One thing that hasn't changed during this crazy month, is my ability to snap pictures and document our everyday lives. I've just been a little bad about sharing:/ so here is some. I hope y'all enjoy the picture overload;) 

(Oh and I know my hair is insanely long! Hopefully I can fit in a haircut soon. That would be nice.) 

                      Happy May!