I keep feeling like summer is just starting, but then I look at the calendar, and see that it is actually zooming right by. Were in the middle of June, yet my mind is still stuck in March. Geez. I guess its true what they say- time flies when your having fun!;) The summer started off with my best friend getting married, which was great. My only regret is that I wish I had let myself enjoy it more. I tend to get way too caught up in the moment. Something I really dislike about myself. Sweating the small stuff is a major problem of mine, and believe me..im working on it. Life's too short for that mess! Rob, however, enjoyed every minute. I know as parents we are to teach our kids, but I believe they can teach us as well. Seeing him light up and exude happiness at something so simple, such as the fountain below, is so refreshing. His sweet and tender spirit hasnt been peirced yet by the cold reality of our seemingly harsh world. His innocence and love for life is beautiful. Im so glad Cal caught these moments on camera. It was a moment I know that I wasnt worried about anything, but that sweet smile on his face. Such a happy, carefree little boy. I could take a lesson or two from him! He is definetley enjoying summer so far. And so am I :) XO
//While this summer has many wonderful things in store for my family, there is one thing, however, that we are not looking forward to at all. My little brother and sister in law are moving to Montana at the end of this month. Its only temporary, but my family is really close so its kind of a huge deal. Im a little sad. Im even choking up while writing this. Its only two years, but in my mind that equals to two Christmas's, two thanksgivings, two birthdays for Rob, and other countless events where we wont see them. Okay now im sobbing. They are a smart, young, and beautiful couple starting thier own journey in life, and because of that I couldnt be happier for them. But my selfishness is what makes my heart so heavy. I will always prefer for my family to stay close. Were gonna miss them. I love those two with all my heart and I truly wish them the best. Two years cant come soon enough!
XOXO- Faith.
(pics are from reahearsal day for Karissas Wedding, and BBQ cookout for Caleb and Kristin.)