


I seriously cant believe my little guy is two. How do I explain my feelings of having a two year old?? Well first I have to go where all moms typically go when their babies get older- Memory Lane. I remember bringing Rob home from the hospital like it was yesterday. I remember holding his tiny little body in my arms for the first time, and knowing in that moment how different life would be. I remember his sweet smell, his little baby coos, and the way he would snuggle on my chest after a feeding. Its crazy how much they really do grow in only two short years. I mean, you would think hes a teenager they way he talks to me sometimes. (<scary) But he's just so smart, and... Big. Too big for his own good. As his momma, I want to keep him at this age forever; to bottle him up and keep him two. The very selfish side of me has had enough of this growing thing. Fortunately for him though, that's not possible;) so instead I try my best to encourage and nurture his curious/independent side. Watching him learn and grow is the best thing ever. Sad at times, but truly amazing.  //Rob, you are such a joy. I love you so much it hurts. You are so smart, and kind, and genuinely funny. You bring a smile to all that know you. I pray for you, and your precious soul that you may come to know the Lord and grow with him in the years to come. Thank you for these two wonderful/adventurous/scary/exhausting/beautiful years. You are loved. Happy Birthday sweet boy!!
* For his first birthday video that I made a year ago click Here Its still one of my favorites:)
Some pics from the big day.