
Apple Picking

Fall is here! Im sure im not the only one jumping for joy over this either. Its so nice to ditch the hot weather for a while and embrace this season and all its fall glory that warrants fun outdoor activities.



My baby turned three last month and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all. It feels like only yesterday I was bringing his tiny body home and now he's running, climbing, talking, and everything in between. I say this every year so I know its probably getting old, but I promise what us mommas feel when we help blow those candles out every year is real. too real. Nothing feels greater than when our littles learn something new..or watching them grow into happy, healthy people. But with each passing year, we are face to face with the sobering reality that time is flying and there is just not much we can do about it.

I guess that's why its so important to enjoy every moment and to find the beauty in all seasons of life. My sweet little boy is the happiest, healthiest, and smartest little three year old I know! biased, much?:) He blows our minds away every day with new things, such as the time I watched him conquer his fear of going down the big boy slide on a bounce house at a previous birthday party. Big kids were flying by and rob (being the little guy) could barely make his way to the ladder without falling down. Once he finally made it to the top, he paused. He was scared and I was pretty positive he was going to back out and call for me to come to the rescue any minute. But he never did. I watched as his eyes as they swelled with anticipation of what was to come. It sounds weird, and I don't really know how to explain what I saw, maybe its just one of those momma things, but I saw the fear vanish moments before he slid down. I got to witness my little one exhibit courage as he embraced his fear head on. My momma heart is swelling all over again just thinking about it.:) I'm just so proud of him, and while I'm not a huge fan of this getting older thing, I am more than happy to witness such beautiful moments that come with this season of life, even if I am looking from the side lines. His growing mind and courageous heart surprises me every day. Happy birthday sweet boy. You'll never know the amount of joy and light you add to our lives. You are loved so very dearly.

Some more pics taken by my sweet friend Lindsey, who is always there when I need her most!:) Like when you call the night before and say.."HELP! my camera is broke!" and even though shes hobbling around on one good foot, she brings her camera and takes all those good shots and then some that you know you will forever treasure down the road. Yeah, your awesome. we love you!