Happy Easter!
Thanks to my awesome sis, I now have some updated photos of me and rob. Unfortunately cal had to work so it was just us two this year.
We decided to meet at her house where we then drove to overton park, one of my favorite spots in midtown. It was gorgeous as always! Rob absolutely loved picking the flowers. He would pick the different colors and hand them to me.."here you go mom, have my purple flower:)" He knows how to make my mama heart burst! Were also in this new stage of
jumping off of everything! Seriously, he finds whatever he can to climb onto then jumps off right after screaming.."mom watch this!" Im like...oh..ha..yeah thats great (while my heart is racing ninety to nothing). I wouldn't change these heart attacks for the world though! My family makes me so happy it hurts. God has been so good to me! // Im so thankful this morning for what Jesus did on the cross, His resurrection, and what that means for this world. The hope it gives me despite my constant battle with my own flesh is astounding. Thank you Lord!
A little GIF from my favorite moment. I asked for a hug and he gave me the heartiest bear hug ever..knocking my hat off and making me feel like a trillion bucks! gosh, i love him so. |
seriously, love this park! |
Thanks for the flowers, Rob!;) |
More lovely flowers:) |
we jump off everything and anything these days! |
That awkward moment when your little one unexpectedly decides to jump off the opposite end. haha! too good not to add! My life as a boy mom;) |