And just like that my little one is four. I keep typing out sentences and then erasing them because my words are failing miserably right now at describing all these 'feels.'
Its hard being in school when you have a little one for many reasons, but the biggest is that moments like this just always tend to sneak up on me. Ill be fully immersed in the semester and all its craziness that when i finally get to look up i realize my sons birthday is not even a full week away! First- mom guilt sets in.
How did it sneak up on me like this again? Then comes the full on mom panic. I start scrambling to get everything together so that his big day can be the best it possibly can. Luckily, I have a pretty laid back guy who as long as you sing Happy Birthday and shower him with goodies then all is well. Oh and pizza. Pizza rocks his world so as long as there is pizza.. we're good. Thank goodness for pizza.
Happy Birthday sweet boy. Im so proud of you and all of your accomplishments this past year. You make my heart swell with so much pride and joy. I love you.
major cake malfunction. It ended up being 95 degrees (on the first day of fall might i add. ugh) so things started um..melting. you would have thought it was the middle of july! |
^^this guy!!^^ haha he just kept falling down and loving it. |
*thumbs up!* |
I think I overkilled it on the confetti. lol |
The prince on his throne lol |
this girl never meets a stranger! lol <3 |