I have been seeing a lot of Facebook posts here lately inquiring about whether or not a real tree for christmas is better than an artificial tree. Though I have no idea if any one has the true answer to that, I can tell you why we prefer a real tree every year. Its all personal preference of course, but this tradition is something we have kept for the past 6 years so I will share what I have enjoyed most :)
1.Every year we have to set aside a day after Thanksgiving to get a tree. Its not something I can do on my own so we are forced to pick a day where cal has off so we can all go together. With his crazy schedule and my work/school schedule I am always doing things whenever I can fit them in. This is honestly the one thing that we truly set aside time for and is something we use as a way to have time for just us. Its so important.
2. Rob has been eating up the tractor since he was a tiny tot! I am so glad he has not grown out of this. Its one of our favorite parts of the tree picking process!
3.The smell of trees as we walk through them, trying to find the perfect one. Its the best!
4. Waiting. This is one of the more contentious points. I am not against any one who celebrates christmas early, but for me its so important to wait. It just helps me slow down and not rush through the season and instead enjoy the moments we have. Buying a real tree forces me to do this since we have to get a new one every year!
5. Watching Robs face light up once we bring the perfect tree home :) he loves it. I am sure he would like any tree but I thing there is something about picking your own that comes from the ground that gives you an extra sense of pride when your putting it up in your house.