Leona Grace Keating!
February 22nd, 2019
2:14 PM
6 lbs 1 oz
I still can't believe we have a daughter. Even as we approach little girls one month birthday, I find myself still pinching myself making sure all this is real. Not finding out was the best surprise ever and is still something I catch myself day dreaming about often. It was such a beautiful and surreal moment when she finally came earth side and her daddy yelled.."its a girl!" Ahh I could relive that day a 1000 times over and it would never get old.
It all started at 2:30 in the morning. Just like her older brother, my water spontaneously broke in the early AM hours. Unlike her brother, we were much more calm this time (lol) and was able to enjoy the moment and relish in the anticipation of what was to come.
I don't know how I woke up but I just remember waking and saying to myself.."I feel wet." I looked down and saw a puddle of water on the bed. At first, I wondered if I had peed myself ha! But then I pulled my pants off and saw what they call 'bloody show.' I was excited but terrified at the same time because I was battling a serious cold that had turned into bronchitis. I had no idea how my body was going to meet the demands of childbirth while also struggling to breath and fight off this nasty infection. I said a little prayer to calm my heart, handed the situation over to God then calmly woke cal up (thank goodness he was home!) and told him my water broke and that it was time. I am so proud of my husband, because he maintained his composure as well and just began packing his bag. I told him not to rush (seasoned mom over here! ha!!) and that I wanted to take a shower first. We both showered and got dressed then woke rob up- who I am also impressed with btw! it was about 3:30 in the morning at this point and Rob sprung out of bed like he knew this was serious business! he didn't fight us to go back to sleep. He jumped out of bed, got dressed, gave me a hug, then went with his poppy who came to pick him up.
We arrived at the hospital around 4:30. Ill never forget walking in there as it was so quiet and peaceful- not a soul was in there except the sweet receptionist who checked us in. I was having mild contractions at this point so she did her best to check me in as quickly as she could. Once we were taken to the back we were given a room to sit in while they prepared our room. We were probably only in this room for 20 minutes but it felt like hours! Cal and I just sat quietly holding each other and grinning every so often knowing our lives were about to change again.
Once we got to our room, IV lines were started and we were told the game plan by our nurse. Unfortunately, my water broke but labor was not progressing as fast as it should so we had to start Pitocin. I had Pitocin with Rob so I kind of knew what to expect. I knew this time I wasn't going to wait around to get my epidural! (something I learned the hard way with rob).
The problem with Pitocin is that it throws your body in to active labor so fast that it almost shocks your body and slows down progression. I remember with Rob enduring these horribly painful, relentless contractions for 7 hours only to find out I hadn't even dilated a 1/2 cm. It was so discouraging. Getting an epidural can help you to relax and let your body work with the medicine instead of fighting it.
This time around I endured only a few hours of pain, but it felt like an eternity because I knew I wasn't going to start progressing until I had my epidural. I had to wait until the heparin cleared my system before I could get my epidural so I had to labor naturally for about 2 hours. I experienced back labor this time around which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. The pain got so bad at one point I just broke down in tears and held onto cal as tight as I could. Going through that much pain knowing it isn't doing anything is hard stuff. At one point, my song who you say I am came on the radio and I knew it was God talking to me. I can't say it got rid of the pain and discomfort but the peace it brought me was undeniable. I could feel His presence.
By the time the anesthesiologist came in the room, I was in so much pain I was shaking. I knew I had to be still in order to get my epidural but I had no idea how I was going to do that with how bad my contractions were. I remember bending over and as he was sticking the needle in my back I was having an intense contraction. The nurse kept putting the pulse ox on my finger which irritated the crap out of me for some reason so I grabbed it in my fist and crushed it!! lol! I immediately started apologizing through my tears. The nurse was so nice and just kept reassuring me that it was all gonna be ok and that I was doing great. Even though I knew I was crumbling at that point.
All I can remember from those moments is how terrified I was. I remember how unbelievably sweet and supportive my husband was and how he kept holding my hand, rubbing my arms and legs, and wiping tears off my face. I remember praying over and over in my head for God to take care of us. Then once again...my song came on. God came to me twice! How amazing is that? Shortly after, my epidural kicked in and I was pain free. I panicked for a second, because the epidural slightly paralyzed my stomach muscles making it hard to cough. (I would have never noticed had I not had bronchitis!) But another sweet nurse came in to calm me down and it worked.
I will never forget after the epidural took and my panic left, my husband lit up like a Christmas tree. He looked at me and said.. "it is so good to see a smile on your face again." It immediately made me realize how hard this has to be on him too. To see me in this much pain, but not be able to do anything about it. It made me so happy that I chose to get my epidural because we were able to laugh and talk and enjoy each others company before the big moment :) It was honestly so peaceful once I was pain free. I even took a little nap!
5 hours later, the epidural began wearing off and I felt the most insane/intense pressure in my bottom, accompanied with fluid. I assumed it was my water breaking some more but it was so much that I pulled the sheets off to look only to see myself sitting in a pool of blood! Thats when things really took off! I thought 'there was no way I was ready to push.. I wasn't even 1 cm dilated when I got my epidural 5 hours ago!' But boy was I wrong. 5 minutes later, I had the most insane urge to push. I told my husband to call the nurse!
A nurse from a different floor came in to check me. She told me I was only 7 cm and not to push since I wasn't ready. She left the room and I had another surge that told my body otherwise! I pushed the button for the nurse not even 2 minutes after she left and INSISTED they get here now..this baby is coming!! My nurse came in to check me and was pretty upset at the previous nurse who most certainly got my dilation wrong. I was a full 10 and ready to go!
I want to go ahead and say how amazing my anesthesiologist was! I felt everything I needed to feel without any pain whatsoever. The hardest part was just trying to push with compromised lungs due to the bronchitis I was dealing with. I felt myself getting dizzy at one point, but I had so much adrenaline pumping through my system that it sustained me.
Because I could feel myself stretching and I could feel the urge to push, my little girl was earth side in a matter of minutes. Two big pushes at then end and she was here! It was such a blissful moment. I remember laying eyes on her and then hearing my husband say.."its a girl!" I honestly thought it was going to be a little boy, so she truly was the sweetest most delightful surprise! My heart was overwhelmed with joy and I could barely speak as tears streamed down my face. The doctor put her in my arms and world felt whole.
Leona, you have been the biggest blessing. You have added so much joy already to our lives. Your brother and daddy are obsessed with you! and we all are madly in love with you. Welcome my sweet girl.