
I am.. pushing forward. Heres to 30!

I started this blog post in May with the title "I'm 30!" Its now august and Im re-typing everything and rightfully giving it a more appropriate title. To be fair, most of my blog posts are pending right now because although I had every intention of finishing what I started, my soul just couldn't press forward and deliver the words that I felt accurately depicted where I am at in my life. 

2020 has been real and has impacted every ones life in one way or another. How silly of me to think that I would be spared simply because Im turning a whole decade older.  I thought by the time I reached 30, I would have this profound sense of confidence in who I am as I left behind a decade that really transformed me. Im sure I will look back at this when Im 40 and cringe at how naive I was. (insert slap face/laugh until you cry emoji)  But its clear the transformation is nowhere near complete and I have no idea why it has taken me this long to realize that is completely ok.  In fact, its everything I have been praying for me. 

My story continues to evolve and my only prayer going forward is that I don't waste the pain and discomfort of what I believe is turning out to be an incredibly pivotal year for those seeking genuine transformation. I see God using this year to birth a new generation of love, empathy, and wisdom and I truly want to be a part of that. 

So here's to my thirties. The picture above was from my very small birthday party consisting of work friends. It was Britney Spears themed because yes, I might have a slight obsession with the queen of pop! I was 'stronger' britney because that was always my favorite song of hers growing up. Its a song all about breaking off harmful/toxic relationships and moving past your fear of loneliness if it allows you to distance to yourself from those making you 'sick.'  Something I can tell God has already been working on for me.