
Karissa's Bachelorette!


Oh my gosh, my best friend is totally getting hitched! I cant believe the time is here. I feel like just yesterday we were in the 7th grade sitting across the table from one another just meeting for the first time. We were both all by our lonesome. I was eating a sandwich, and she was eating fruit snacks. We caught each others eye, and just smiled. She was the sweetest. I don't know why, but I just felt inclined to ask if she wanted to sit by me. Never in a million years would I have guessed a life-long friendship would follow after that one simple question. God directed our paths to cross in such a simple, yet beautiful way that strongly displays his sovereignty in our lives. Karissa has been by my side through everything in life. Now I get the opportunity to stand by her on one of the most important  days for a woman, her wedding:) I LOVE LOVE you Karissa!!! I. Can. Not. Wait.
Memories with Karissa that I hold very dear to my heart:
  • That time we met of course. we smiled at each other, and then sat by one another, and then shared lunches. Then became the bestest friends over bologna sandwiches and fruit snacks!(oh, the good ole days:) 
  • That time we got caught singing our hearts out to Celine Dion. Using our hairbrushes, jumping on the bed, and literally screaming the lyrics, because there is know way anyone can truly sing a CĂ©line Dion song beautifully! Besides Celine of course;) We were caught by her sister, and almost never lived it down.
  • Then there was that time I got sick (hospital sick), and she checked on me non-stop. Always making sure I was ok. (sign of a true best friend)
  • MY FIRST KISS! I was 16. I called her at 1 am, and of course she answered. We were jumping up and down and screaming. Mine was more of a 'whisper scream' so I wouldn't wake my parents. They didn't know about it of course. or so I thought;)
  • My first heartbreak.
  • All of our dance memories, Which is where KMFC became about :)  Gosh, I Love My Friends!
  • That time she tried to help me sneak out since my parents were super strict about me hanging out with boys. I mean she really really really tried! like tried for 5 hours, and then finally let out a... "ugh! I feel like were in Jail!!"  haha. It ended up being a total flop ending with us getting caught. But even though we were young, and in the wrong, I still always loved her for that. She seriously tried so hard for me! True partners in crime;)
  • That time KMFC (karissa, Mikki, Faith(ME), and Chelsea) were in Disney Worlds' Magic Kingdom for a dance competition. It was around 11@ night, and not a soul was around. Everybody had left, and we were literally the only people in the park. No joke, it was nuts. Truly Magical. We started dancing in the streets...twirling doing fuetes (<- or attempting to anyways) Not a care in the world...until a security officer showed up and made us leave of course:)
  • All my painfully awkward stages that Karissa helped me get through, and stayed with me through more importantly.
  • more heartbreak
  • And most importantly, encouraging  me in my walk with Christ. She loves the Lord, and I strongly admire her for that. 

    I have so many more memories I could share, but I think those are enough for one blog;) I'm ready for your special day, Karissa Lynn!

        Snippets from the shower:




Gluten-free banana bread!


Nutrition is kind of a passion of mine. When you are diagnosed with a somewhat life-threatening illness at the tender age of 13, you kind of lose the ability to have an 'I'm invincible type attitude' that most young people rightfully have.  After two weeks in the hospital, one week of physical therapy, and only weighing 90lbs soaking wet, I was instructed to see a nutritionist. It totally changed my life. At first I thought my life changed in a negative way, but then I realized later how much of a blessing it truly was. I mean, how lucky was I to learn the importance of taking care of myself at such a young age! I became aware of foods I was putting in my body, and learned how to live a healthy lifestyle. Something most people don't appreciate until later in life.  My husband always gives me a hard time by calling me a hypochondriac. And maybe I am, but I've learned over the years how to listen, and be 'in-tune' with my body. Its something I encourage everyone to do, because It might just save your life! Sooo, on a less dramatic note, I'm here today not just to share a recipe, but to also give a little testimony as to how a gluten free diet has positively impacted my life.  
          Right after Rob was born, I developed a really annoying skin problem called keratosis pilaris. It's completely unharmful, but such a nuisance. There is technically no cure, which really stinks. But after doing extensive research, I found many suggestions. One of those suggestions was to get rid of gluten. At the time I thought their was not enough evidence to support the idea that my KP was caused by gluten, so I kind of just waved it off. It wasn't until months later when I started producing more symptoms that I began to look back into it. I started having unbearable headaches, nausea, and just a general feeling of malaise. Being a mother, my health has never been more important to me! Nothing is more frightening than being physically unable to take care of your child. I needed answers, ASAP. Long story short, I came across the gluten free lifestyle again. Seeing as most of my symptoms matched, I decided to give it a try. It worked! After two weeks I noticed a HUGE difference in how I felt. No more headaches, no more nausea, and my energy was almost fully restored. My skin also cleared up, It was a miracle! Embracing the gluten free lifestyle has not come without it's challenges though. You don't realize how much food contains gluten until you give it up. I'm not an expert by any means, so I don't feel it would be right for me to spit off all the gluten possibilities. Plus, that would just be a whole other paragraph in itself! I also have to say that im not perfect by any means, and have had my fair share of splurges.  I mean my last blog was me eating hamburgers on the square for heavens sake, so yeah. I'm pretty sure I'm gluten sensitive like most people are, and not completely intolerant, so a few splurges here and there doesn't seem to hurt me. Moderation is key!! Always remember that.
       The hardest part about being gluten free was how much I missed baking banana bread. I've always grown up with banana bread, and not being able to put those beautifully ripe bananas to use in my kitchen was rough. Thankfully one day at the grocery store I spotted Glutino's All Purpose Gluten Free Flour.  <- I added the link for any of you who want to check out their website. You would have thought I won the lottery, I was so happy. I came home that night and made some fresh, oh so delicious gluten free banana bread. 
    I'm so thankful to live in a generation where lifestyles like these are fully embraced and acknowledged. Being a mother is one of the most rewarding, yet physically demanding jobs. Being up all night, and hauling around a baby all day can take a toll on my body over a period of time. I definitely have a greater appreciation of this body God has given me after becoming a mother. Fueling it properly is the least I can do. I wish everyone of you the best, and hope this recipe brings some goodness to you. Happy Baking!
3 or 4 ripe bananas
1/3 cup butter- I prefer Kerrygold Irish grassfed, but its a little hard to measure
1 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups Glutino flour
No need for a mixer for this recipe. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). With a wooden spoon, mix butter into the mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl. Mix in the sugar, egg, and vanilla. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix in. Add the flour last, mix. Pour mixture into a buttered 4x8 inch loaf pan. Bake for 1 hour. Cool on a rack. Remove from pan and slice to serve.
Click here to see where this recipe is from. All I did was change and substitute the flour in mine. I also greased the baking dish in coconut oil instead of butter.


Lindsey's in town!

There's no better way to jump start your Easter weekend than with an old friend coming to visit! Lindsey arrived at my house late morning last Friday. Our plan was to hang around the house and relax, but of course we ended up having quite the adventure! That always seems to happen when were together, and I love it. ;) I remembered last minute I had a bridesmaid dress out in colliervile that needed to be picked up. Lindsey, being somewhat of a colliervile native, knew her way around and took us to the square. It was so beautiful;  A tiny old town with trees every where in bloom.. Ahh, it was a little bit of heaven that I desperately needed. Oh, and the burger joint wasn't too bad either ;) I'm so thankful for this sweet friend of mine! To see our last adventure click here!




I never in a million years expected to hear so many words from my child this early. He will be 19 months in a couple weeks and boy... He's got a lot to say! (He doesn't get that from me! :p)  Some of it it makes sense, some doesn't, but regardless, it's all adorable!! So I just have to post about it. I got this idea from a blogger I follow who post 'isms' for her 3 yr old. I thought... "Wow, what a great idea!" So without further ado, I present.. 

1. By far his favorite thing right now is keys. Keys! Keys! Keys!!  It drives us bonker at times, but because the obsession has become unbearable for him, he has now learned how to form a full sentence! "I won't kayeeees!" <- yea we hear that about 20 times a day. :) 

2. "Nooooooooo" I personally believe it's his favorite word. He uses it all the time!  It's hard to be mad though. He says it far more adorable than writing it in a blog can justify! 

3. Now this one has to be my favorite: "I won't mammy." After I melt to butter, I pick him up. He then realizes I wont give him what he wants (usually someone's keys) so then he says... "I wont dah-dee" little stinker. 

4. "Miiinnee" over anything and everything. 

5. "Bah-bay" or "Bay-bee" whenever we see a baby.  Sometimes it's even... "Muh bah-bee" meaning, 'my baby.'  not yet bud! 

6. When dancing to music: his arms are moving, butt is twisting, head bouncing around and then the song cuts off. He lets out a huge "uuhh-ohh!!" Then gasps loudly while making a similar face to the picture above! Haha- it leaves us laughing every time! So I'll just leave y'all with that visual;) 

Happy Monday!