
Zoo Night.

We heard from a friend that the zoo was hosting a members night from 6-11. We decided last minute to go and give it a shot since my husband had to work on Memorial Day. Of course, like usual,  we arrived late so we pretty much missed all the 'good stuff.' But the thing we didn't miss out on was the quality family time we were able to have. With Calvin working so much, it's pretty rare we all three get to do something like this. To say it was nice having all of us together at the zoo would be an understatement; It was wonderful. And since it was memebers only, there was practically no one there which made it even more special. There were Certain areas that would make us feel like we were the only people in the world who existed. After this crazy month, I can't even begin to explain how nice that was. God knew I needed those brief moments of solitaire with my family. We were away from the world for a little while with just us. The perfect trio; My sweet little familia. Ahhh... Just what I needed to jump start this memorial holiday. 

      Thank You to all those who have served or are serving to this day. Your sacrifices are recognized, and so humbly appreciated by the Keating Family. 

            Happy Memorial Day! 


Life lately!

Seriously this month has been insane. Weddings, showers, parties, birthdays, Mother's Day, and Memphis in May are all just a few of the things that have kept me super busy. It's funny how in January I was comolaining about life being slow, and now I can barely keep up! I guess I got what I asked for;) anywho, here are some pictures. Snippets of life (according to my iphone) is what I like to call it! One thing that hasn't changed during this crazy month, is my ability to snap pictures and document our everyday lives. I've just been a little bad about sharing:/ so here is some. I hope y'all enjoy the picture overload;) 

(Oh and I know my hair is insanely long! Hopefully I can fit in a haircut soon. That would be nice.) 

                      Happy May!