About Me

Hello, Im Faith!
Im a wife, a mom, and a student pursuing a degree in dietetics. I have a passion for nutrition, a genuine love for food, a weird obsession with the color green, and complete adoration for my family. life is good. This little blog of mine has been a personal part of my life for a while. I started it when I became a mother years ago. It holds a special place in my heart as it has grown and evolved with me and my family over the years. Its been a fun little adventure that I'm excited to continue. 

When I first started my blog, it was named faith and family because that was what my life was primarily about. I was blessed with the opportunity to stay at home for two years which opened my eyes to a whole new world. I got to experience life as a true SAH; an exhausting, yet fulfilling job that had its great days and not so good days. All of which shifted my perspective and made me question everything I once knew in life. Kids will do that!;) I loved it. Being a mother and wife has enriched my life in so many ways. I strive to be the best of those two things which require continuous growth and remains my biggest aspiration in life. Thanks to my family, my son in particular, my eyes and heart have been opened to the importance of grace, wisdom, humility, and finding the beauty in all things. 

With all that being said, around the time my son turned 2, I decided to end the full time SAH position and finish my degree I started in pre-nursing. After the end of my pre-reqs the decision to continue in nursing school weighed heavy on my heart. From an early age, I always have had a unique interest in nutrition. I use to drive my siblings crazy at breakfast when I would ask them to pass the different cereal boxes around so I could read and compare the labels.  haha i was a nutrition nut! In high school, I decided to shadow a local RD as part of a senior project that was geared towards preparing us to choose a career path. As much as i wanted to follow that path, life in all its mysterious ways, led me down another. And now, long story short, I'm doing what i love! I may never understand why God chooses to bring us down certain paths, but I trust his sovereignty no matter what.

The choice to use the title A Happy Medium comes mainly from a nutritional perspective. We live in a world where nutrition advice is everywhere.. and can be quite extreme sometimes. This can leave people confused and frustrated before the process has even started. But I've learned in life, that happiness is best found when you can find that 'happy medium.' Moderation and balance is everything in nutrition. Good food, the kind that nourishes your cells and the kind that nourishes your soul, have their proper time and place. A Happy Medium is about seeking that balance and enjoying life's most simple pleasures.