
Rob is in Kindergarten!

Interview with Rob (my new kindergartener 💙)
1) Rob, how old are you? 5

2) What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an army man and a fireman.
3) Why do you want to be those things? Because they are awesome
4) Whats your favorite color? Red, green, and dark green.
5) What is your favorite food? Pizza, Mac and cheese, and soup.
6) What is your favorite thing to do? Play around and have super duper much fun. Play around and knock out stuff.
7) What is your favorite toy? Hot wheels garage
8) Whats your favorite tv show? Fireman Sam
9) Whats your favorite animal? Firedog
10) Whats your favorite song? Dave matthews Jimmy thing
11) Who is your best friend? Josie
12) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
13) What do you like to take to bed with you at night? My nerf gun, my flashlight, and amos
14) What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Bacon, eggs, and pancake
15) What makes you sad? When theres nobody to play with me
16) What makes you happy? Doing stuff with my mommy and daddy?
17) what do you like to do with your mommy and daddy? bike ride, play at the park, run, and go to the lake house.
18) If you could have a superpower what would it be? super strength
19) How old is daddy? I don't know... 17.
20) How old is mommy? 544 :/
21) What is your favorite thing about school? We get to go outside TWO times to play (whispers in my ear) no really...we really do.