
The New Year 2020

My New Years Resolution Battle

With a New Year upon us,  resolutions are in full swing. These resolutions are typically crafted with good intent but are often met with half-hearted attempts and poor results. Though I still enjoy taking time at the beginning of the new year to reflect on things I could do better, I find it harder as the years grow to adopt new resolutions. They just haven't worked for me.

I hate that.

I, like many, want to grow as a person. I don't want to just do better. I want to be better; a better wife, a better mother, better in my community and in service to others. It would seem that a New Years resolution would be just the time to accomplish these things so it makes me a little sad to admit how I have failed so miserably. But it also makes a lot of sense. 

From my personal experience, New Years resolutions were always centered around one thing; me. They were crafted with the purpose to grow me directly as an individual when instead they should have reflected my love for Jesus Christ. 

During this past weeks sermon, I had the privilege of hearing a wonderful message from one of our pastors. It spoke to me and my conviction of New Years resolutions. The premise was that as Christians we are warriors and with that comes battles. Instead of making a (or multiple) resolution(s), we as christians should pick our battle. Find one thing you can do better as a warrior for Jesus Christ then go and do it.

For me, my battle is simple yet huge. My battle for 2020 is prayer. I just simply don't do it enough and I have felt a huge conviction to work on this. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I often type 'you are in my prayers' to friends and family but I never follow through. I have often minimized the power of prayer and my duty as a christian to pray by becoming lazy and unintentional with my words towards others. May God use this year to help strengthen this weakness of mine and to grow me and my family as warriors for Jesus Christ 

Happy New Year!