
Snow Day!

Snow Day.
Dec 29, 2013.
^^ It snowed today! not a lot, but just enough for this guy to go out and explore for a few minutes:)^^
^^ he was just too darn cute!^^
^^AHH! I could gobble him up!^^
^^ All Smiles:)^^
SNOWW!!!! I love snow; like love! I would live in a snow globe if I could. :) Unfortunately being in the south we don't get a lot of it. But when we do- I take advantage! Even though it lasted a total of maybe 20 minutes, I'm still grateful for what we got.  Crazy thing is last year it snowed like this right after Christmas as well! Rob, however, was only 3 months. I am beyond grateful it snowed again this year so he could actually play! it was so cute watching him trying to figure out what it was. At one point he even stuck his tongue out ( A little something mommy showed him!;)
Oh Rob, your such a joy. I pray God has many many more snowy winters in store for us!
Happy 2nd Snow Day baby! xoxo
Pics from last year (around the same time!)

^^ barely 3 months. I love him so.^^