
Amelia Louise Keating


Labor Day, September 6th 2021. It was a normal Monday for me. I had to work and so did cal. Rob and Leona stayed with my in laws since schools were closed. I was dressed in my brown scrubs because at this point this was all that would fit my stretched and tired body. I headed into work. I had about 14 patients that day and ended up leaving a little early so that I could get home to my family. Cal was still at the fire station so I met my in laws to get the kids and get some yummy Labor Day food. It was such a beautiful day. When we got home the kids wanted to stay outside so I opened the garage and we played. Rob saw his nerf truck hanging up on the wall. I knew it would be hard to get down but together we tag teamed it. As soon as I stepped off the stool, a gush of water trickled down my leg. Being my third baby, I instantly knew what that was! Without hesitation I yelled out.. “well that did it!” I instantly regretted those words as they fell very heavy on my 8 year who suddenly felt responsible. I calmed him down and told him that this is normal and is happening exactly how it’s suppose to. I rushed inside to call cal. He came home and together we orchestrated pick up for the kids. At this point I wasn’t having any intense contractions so I decided to hop in the shower and take my time. Cal and I then headed to the hospital around 5 PM.  

Walking into the hospital was strange. A place so familiar to me but felt so different since the pandemic. It was eerily quiet with check in stations to mask up. You would think I would be use to it since I work in a hospital but having birthed 2 other babies in this place left memories that are hard to forget. Waiting rooms that use to bust at the seams with family members eager to meet their newest members were now vacant and completely empty. It immediately sank in that my mom and sisters wouldn’t be able to support me this time and that Calvin could only stay if my COVID test was negative. My heart became a little heavy but I went numb as usual and just kept pushing forward. We checked in and we’re assigned a room in no time. 

Once in our room, the poking and sticking began. My COVID was negative! Yay! I ripped off my mask and hugged my husband. Though things were different, my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude for the first hurdle we just overcame. Once we got settled in, our nurse started hooking up my drips. Like usual, my water broke but labor never started. Pitocin was the first thing to get going. I was kind of surprised how fast they decided to start the Pitocin drip and explained that it has not been 12 hours since my last heparin shot. For anyone that doesn’t know, i have a clotting disorder that requires me to be on blood thinners. Taking these medications aren’t typically a problem unless you want to get an epidural. I have had epidurals with both of my other babies and it has been a great experience so I knew I wanted that option. Not long after, a few anesthesiologists came to talk to me. Together with my doctor we came up with a plan! We decided to turn the drip off until 10 PM. Night labor! Fun! Lol 

I tried to get as much rest as I could until then but that felt impossible. At 10 on the dot we started my drip. Contractions were manageable until about 3 AM. I started moaning like a beast lol which made me realize it was time for the epidural! As much as I LOVE epidurals, I will be honest in saying they also freak me out. I always have the most embarrassing panic attack when they place one. I’ll never forget my sweet nurse ,Jessica, running up to grab my hands because she could see I was freaking out. I started profusely apologizing because I was SURE i was ripping the skin off her hands from digging my nails so hard into her palms. She calmly and kindly told me she was fine and that I was doing great. I’ll never forget that! 

Once the epidural was placed i began shaking uncontrollably. This happened with Leona and I was told it was a good sign that the anesthesia was working. Once the pain diminished ( around 4:30 AM) the shaking stopped and I was able to relax. My nurse grabbed a peanut ball and flipped me to my side to help dilate me further. Within an hour the anesthesia began wearing off on my left side and I felt the most intense pain and pressure in my back. I knew what this meant so I started screaming for cal to get the nurse! She came in to check me but said I was only at 8cm. She layed me back flat to help the anesthesia roll back to my left side. It worked! But the really cool thing about an epidural is that you can still feel everything else! The pain was improving but I could feel Amelia moving down and getting ready to come!! I actually got the labor shakes at this point and started vomiting. It was insane. I’ve never had that happen before so it kind of took me off guard. Within a few minutes, my nurse checked and said I was ready to start pushing!! Yay! With three big pushes, Amelias head started to emerge! The nurse panicked and threw my legs back down and ran to call my doctor. None of us figured she would come that fast! Unfortunately my doctor was in the middle of an emergency c section so the hospitalist was called. As soon as he arrived we began pushing. With one contraction and one big push, she was here!! My sweet Amelia. They placed her on my lap and I just burst into tears.   This little girl that I carried for 9 months was in my arms and I felt like I had known her my whole life but also was meeting her for the first time. The emotions were so raw and overwhelming. I could not stop sobbing. 

It has now been a week since she has been home and it has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Post partum so far has been so much more peaceful. Im exhausted of course and ready to start venturing back out into the world but Im trying to soak up as much one on one time with my new girl as I can. Every day at 2 we sit outside. The sun hides perfectly behind the trees and kisses our face as the leaves move revealing it’s rays. I just cry. So much gratitude fills my heart that it just starts to overflow. I cry to God and thank him for His blessings. I love you so much Amelia. And I’m so glad you are finally here 💕